Auglaize + Mercer General Surgery St Mary & Coldwater, OH
Auglaize + Mercer General Surgery is a joint venture between Grand Lake Health System and Mercer Community Hospital specializing in many areas of General Surgery. We have locations conveniently located in St. Marys and Coldwater. This allows Dr. Lance Bryant, Physician Assistant Krista Huber and Nurse Practitioner Brittany Schlarman to provide residents in both Auglaize and Mercer Counties the best care and personal attention they deserve.
We offer same-day appointments. We feature a wide range of Gastroenterology Tests and Procedures. Surgical endoscopy procedures EGD and Colonoscopy. Bravo pH test procedures can better assist in diagnosing patients with chronic GERD or Heartburn. Hernia repair, Mastectomy/Lumpectomy to name a few. We also offer Pillcam Endoscopy that is done in the office to assist in detecting Crohns disease and other inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), Celiac disease, or GI Bleeds.
We look forward to assisting you with your medical needs, office hours are 8:00 – 4:30 pm with a dedicated clinical team ready to assist in meeting your health care goals.