Feel The Rewards Of Giving Back To Your Community...

Become a Volunteer.

We believe a commitment to our community begins with giving back whenever and wherever we can. Our 750+ employees collectively pour thousands of hours of dedicated service into countless non-profit organizations and efforts. Similarly, we rely on the generous volunteer efforts of dozens and dozens of area residents during the year. We’d like to invite you to join us. There’s always plenty to do here, and we’ll welcome your commitment of time and energy.

Below are applications to join our dedicated team. Whether you are an adult or a high school student, your skills are needed. Simply print, fill out the appropriate form and give us a call.

Volunteer Application

For more information, please contact:

Volunteer Coordinator

ATTN: Denise Limbert

Grand Lake Health System

Joint Township District Memorial Hospital

200 St. Clair St.

St. Marys, OH 45885-2400

Phone: 419-394-3387, Ext. 2808

E-mail: Denise Limbert dlimbert@jtdmh.org

Grand Lake Health System
200 St. Clair Street, St. Marys,
Ohio 45885-2400
| 1-419-394-3335 | 1-877-564-6897| Price Transparency