Free Occupational Therapy Screening

Here is your chance to stop the pain that is keeping you from enjoying life. At the Joint Township Hospital Rehab Department, we offer a free 15 minute screening. In that screening we'll help identify your pain, the causes and even give you exercises or a suggested course of action to get you back to life. You don't have to live with the pain you are feeling, let the professionals at Joint Township assist you in finding relief. Just fill out and submit the form below.

Main-Form: Free Screening

Please send me more information about the following services:

Please indicate the worst your pain has been in the last 24 hours on the scale to the right:

Grand Lake Health System
200 St. Clair Street, St. Marys,
Ohio 45885-2400
| 1-419-394-3335 | 1-877-564-6897| Price Transparency