American Sign Language "Advanced Course"

Auglaize-Mercer Family YMCA - NORTH Branch

05/08/2018 07:00 PM - 05/08/2018 08:30 PM

Signing Workshops

Grand Lake Health System is offering Beginners and Advanced American Sign Language Workshops taught by a certified instructor.  Classes offered once per week for five weeks and are held at the Auglaize-Mercer YMCA North Branch. The class involves learning the "sign" alphabet as well as basic vocabulary. Interaction and class participation enables the participant to benefit from and enjoy learning this unique language. The cost is $25.00 for each 5 week course. 

2018 A.S.L. Signing "II" (Advanced) Class Dates: April 10, 17, 24, May 1, 8

Time: 7:00pm - 8:30pm

Pre-registration is required.

For more information, please contact:

Community Outreach Coordinator
ATTN: Jenni Miller
Grand Lake Health System
Joint Township District Memorial Hospital
200 St. Clair Street
St. Marys, OH 45885
Phone: 419-394-6132
Fax: 419-394-9583

Grand Lake Health System
200 St. Clair Street, St. Marys,
Ohio 45885-2400
| 1-419-394-3335 | 1-877-564-6897| Price Transparency