JTDMH Hosting Drug Take Back Event

Grand Lake Health System Hosting Collection Site for National Drug Take-Back Day April 28, 2018

Joint Township District Memorial Hospital along with other Ohio hospitals, is participating in National Drug Take-Back Day by sponsoring a prescription drug drop-off site for community members to safely dispose of unwanted prescription drugs.  Unused prescription medications in homes create a public health and safety concern, because they can be accidentally ingested, stolen, misused and abused.


Grand Lake Health System will host the drop-off site on Saturday, April 28 between 9 a.m. and 12 p.m., in the front lobby of the Hospital.  Further resources regarding prescription drug disposal is available at www.grandlakehealth.org


“Providing beneficial community resources is important to Ohio hospitals and we take pride in the community and patient safety we provide” said Jenni Miller, Community Outreach Coordinator of Grand Lake Health System.  “Prescription drug abuse is a growing problem in our state.  It is our hope that by providing a safe way for community members to dispose of their prescription drugs, we will reduce the east of access to unwanted prescription drugs.” 

Grand Lake Health System
200 St. Clair Street, St. Marys,
Ohio 45885-2400
| 1-419-394-3335 | 1-877-564-6897| Price Transparency