Parkinson's Support Group
Meetings held at 12:30-1:30PM, YMCA South Branch, Minster.
Support Group Meeting Dates for 2024, held every 4th Tuesday.
January 24 - Big N Loud
February 21 - Advance Directive & Living Wills
March 21 - Partner's in Parkinson's Group Speaker
May 29 - Katherine Zwiebel - Neurology
June 26 - Chelsie menchofer - Rehab
July 24 - Tracy Smith - Pain Management
September 26 - Pharmacy
October 24 - Sleep & Pain Center
November 28 - Diabetes Education
Physical and Speech Therapy exercise program LSVT Big & Loud Certified offered every Tuesday for 15 weeks from 12:30-2:00PM. Registration not required. Walk ins welcome. Includes 45 minutes of physical therapy and 45 minutes of speech therapy.
For more information, please contact:
Community Outreach Coordinator
Grand Lake Health System
Joint Township District Memorial Hospital
200 St. Clair Street
St. Marys, OH 45885
Phone: 419-394-6132
Fax: 419-394-9583